Our Planet

At Galen, we are very aware that as we continue to dare to be extraordinary to benefit the health of all generations, we must do so in a way that considers the overall health of our planet.

As part of our environmental strategy, we are committed to the responsible management of energy, water and waste.

Our Commitments, Approach and Actions

We recognise the part we play in responding to the global climate emergency and our climate strategy includes commitments that align with the Paris Agreement.


As a proud member of the Almac Group, we do not withdraw water from any surface water, groundwater, or seawater sources.

Waste Management and Plastic Use

Waste reduction, recycling and Responsible Plastic Management (RPM) are key components of our overall environmental strategy.


We recognise that our activities have the potential to impact biodiversity and have recently introduced a biodiversity policy. We will continue to look for opportunities to work on projects that contribute positively to the natural environment around us.
Paul Herrington
“Fostering and promoting policies and procedures within our business that support the health and well-being of our employees, and the sustainability of our communities is of utmost importance. We believe that this is not just the right thing to do but is also what will continue to make us a strong partner, employer, and good neighbour in our communities. Our strategy and activities demonstrate our current and future commitment to long-term corporate sustainability and positive corporate impact.”
Paul Herrington – Galen Sustainability Representative

Would you like to discuss how Galen can help you?

If you would like to explore how our expertise could add value to your product, or for an initial discussion about partnering with us, please contact our team.